High Rectifying Organic Device Based P3HT Molecule


  • S.E. Meftah Physics Faculty, Oran University of Sciences and Technology USTO-MB, BP1505 31130, Oran, Algeria. Film Device Fabrication-Characterization and Application FDFCA Research Group USTO 31130, Oran, Algeria.
  • M. Benhaliliba Physics Faculty, Oran University of Sciences and Technology USTO-MB, BP1505 31130, Oran, Algeria. Film Device Fabrication-Characterization and Application FDFCA Research Group USTO 31130, Oran, Algeria.
  • M.Kaleli Innovative Technologies Application and Research Center, Energy Technologies Research Unit Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, SuleymanDemirel University, 32260 Isparta, Turkey.




P3HT, Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis, MSP hetero-junction Thermionic Emission, Conduction mechanism


In this study, organic material P3HT has grown via the Spray Pyrolysis technique on p-Si and the Metal/ Semiconductor /Polymer hetero-junction. The electrical measurements of Al/p-Si/P3HT/Ag are realized in the dark and at room temperature. The well-known parameters of the MSP type SBDs such asbarrier height (ΦB), ideality factor (n), series resistance (Rs),are obtained via Current-Voltage (I–V) plot based on Thermionic Emission (TE) theory. The conduction mechanism of the MSP hetero-junction exhibits two different behaviors with two distinct regions on the plot.


