Design and Manufacturing of Liquid Level Controller Based On Ultrasonic Sensor


  • M.A. Zafrane Département d’électronique, faculté du génie électrique, Université Des Sciences et de la Technologie D’Oran-Mohammed Boudiaf-Oran-Algérie.
  • D.E.M. Benbaziz Institut de Maintenance et de Sécurité Industrielle. Université d'Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed- Oran-Algérie.
  • A. Hassini Institut de Maintenance et de Sécurité Industrielle. Universitéd'Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed- Oran-Algérie



Prototyping, Ultrasound, PIC16F877, Level and LabView, Lindustry process.


This paper provides an experimental liquid level controller, which is then one of the most routinely encountered control loops in the process industry. However, the most common level control configuration is an on/off valve triggered by a level sensor. Hence, determining tuning parameters for a liquid-level loop should probably be considered an engineering activity. In this context, a low-cost, height-performance prototype has been developed and manufactured in a laboratory-based on an ultrasonic sensor in process control. The principle is very simple, we will send sound waves from the sensor towards the liquid surface, the waves hit the surface, and comes back to the sensor, by measuring the time taken for the waves to hit the sensor we can calculate the distance between liquid surface and sensor. Moreover, a data acquisition card and control have been designed and successfully tested based on PIC16F877 microcontroller, and extremely robust, real-time, and multi-measurements have been achieved. In addition, a professional console in instrumentation has been used, and a code in the C environment has been developed to monitor and measure level progress using the LabView graphical programming language, which consists of three main subprograms and makes possible the following: manual control, control, data logger.



