Rheological Characterization of Algerian Crude Oil and Emulsions Water / Oil


  • D. Benyerou Rheology Laboratory, Transportation andHandling ofComplex Fluids(LRTTFC), Faculty of Architecture andCivil Engineering, Department of Hydraulics, University of ScienceandTechnology of Oran(USTO-MB) BP1505Oran-EL-M 'naour31000, Algeria
  • M. Mekkaoui Rheology Laboratory, Transportation andHandling ofComplex Fluids(LRTTFC), Faculty of Architecture andCivil Engineering, Department of Hydraulics, University of ScienceandTechnology of Oran(USTO-MB) BP1505Oran-EL-M 'naour31000, Algeria
  • L. Hammadi Rheology Laboratory, Transportation andHandling ofComplex Fluids(LRTTFC), Faculty of Architecture andCivil Engineering, Department of Hydraulics, University of ScienceandTechnology of Oran(USTO-MB) BP1505Oran-EL-M 'naour31000, Algeria
  • N. Boudjenane Rheology Laboratory, Transportation andHandling ofComplex Fluids(LRTTFC), Faculty of Architecture andCivil Engineering, Department of Hydraulics, University of ScienceandTechnology of Oran(USTO-MB) BP1505Oran-EL-M 'naour31000, Algeria
  • M. Belhadri Rheology Laboratory, Transportation andHandling ofComplex Fluids(LRTTFC), Faculty of Architecture andCivil Engineering, Department of Hydraulics, University of ScienceandTechnology of Oran(USTO-MB) BP1505Oran-EL-M 'naour31000, Algeria




Oil, Oil-water emulsions, Rheological behavior, Stress level, Shear stress, Shear rate


In this paper,a finerheological characterizationwas performed forfive types ofcrude oil from theAlgerianSaharaand severalwater / oilemulsions.

This studyallows us to obtain moreknowledge aboutthe rheological behaviorof these samples andprovides us with information ontheirstorageandtransport inpipes.Three qualitiesof water wereused, seawater, drinking water andgroundwater sources.

Thetests were carried outat a temperature of23°C usinga sophisticatedrheometerwithcone-plategeometry(the RS600RheoStress from ThermoHaake). The perturbing effectssuch assliding, evaporation, fracturing and diggingwere well controlled.

The study shows thatthe rheological behaviorof the fivetypes of crude oilisNewtonian, however, thatemulsionsofvolume concentrationsof30%, 50% and70% ofwaterisnon-Newtonian withtheexistence ofathresholdconstraint.

TheBingham, Herschel-BulkleyandostwaldDe Waele modelswere used andadjustedso to correctly representthe rheological behaviorof these materials.


